The GSI policy briefing note series publishes pieces intended for communicating relevant science to members of the non-academic, business and policy-making communities, on the topic of global and earth systems governance.
The GSI policy briefing note series publishes pieces intended for communicating relevant science to members of the non-academic, business and policy-making communities, on the topic of global and earth systems governance.
In particular, the intention is to offer an open-access repository for peer-reviewed, accessible but rigorously scientific notes to promote the use of robust science in decision-making. Our main focus is on policy addressing issues in global and environmental systems, including climate change. Our aim is to facilitate communication within the science-policy interface, offering evidence bases for decision-making.
1) You can submit your working paper to this email address (Please attach two documents with and without authors’ details, in word or pdf format, please consult us for LaTeX):
2) The editor(s) will handle the received papers and send to the reviewers (double-blind peer review)
3) The reviewers will review and provide comment on the working papers
4) Editors will send feedback and suggestions about the paper to the authors
5) After the revision process, when the working paper is ready, it will be given a number, uploaded to the ORE repository (the paper will have a permanent link for citation) and linked to from the GSI policy network website